DIRINT's Intent
The JOSIP provides a means to develop strategic intelligence professionals with formal graduate education and experience in the Intelligence Community (IC) and interagency (IA) environment. The Marine Corps receives a career oriented Marine intelligence professional that leverages their experience to promote interoperability, coordination, and exchange with the Intelligence Community (IC) on behalf of Marine Corps Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance Enterprise (MCISRE) and Operating Force requirements.

JOSIP Objectives

  • Become embedded in an IC organization which will allow for the full experience of working within a host agency.

  • Act as DIRINT engagement officers, supporting HQMC intel requirements to include outreach efforts such as emerging trends, forecasting and predictive analysis and the improvement of applied Intel tradecraft.

  • Additionally, serve as HQMC I-Div collaborative officers to the IC host agencies to help strengthen inter-agency relationships through joint initiatives.

JOSIP Overview
JOSIP Selectees attend the National Intelligence University (NIU) Strategic Studies curriculum, where they attain a Master’s Degree in Strategic Intelligence or Science and Technology Intelligence. Following graduate study, participants serve as interns at a number of IC elements within the National Capital Region. Information, Intelligence Strategy and Policy Branch, Intelligence Division, Headquarters Marine Corps coordinates JOSIP internships based on the needs of the MCISRE. After completion of the JOSIP program, Officers are issued orders to return to the operating forces at the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) Command Element (CE) or Major Subordinate Command (MSC) level.

Eligibility and Application Process

  •  Eligibility requirements are as follows:

    --  Regular Unrestricted Officer

    --  PMOS of 0202

    --  Rank of Captain or First Lieutenant

    --  Possess a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university

    --  Fully adjudicated Top Secret clearance with eligibility for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)

    --  GRE within the last five years

    --  Possess at least two years of intelligence experience by 1 August of the application fiscal year

    --  No more than 10 years total service by 1 August of the application fiscal year

    --  Career designated prior to executing orders

    --  O-5-level or higher command endorsement

    --  Eligible Officers are encouraged to apply through the company grade monitor at MMOA-1 and the Commandant's Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) at: https://www.manpower.usmc.mil/webcenter/portal/MAC2331

    These application materials must be emailed to the intel company grade monitor NLT 8 August: emily.secrest@usmc.mil

    The FY CCLEB MARADMIN generally posts around mid-July with detailed instructions for each program.

JOSIP and JOCCP Brief Inteldocs

**CAC Login Enabled**

Information, Intelligence Strategy and Policy Branch (IIS)
HQMC Deputy Commandant for Information
Information Intelligence Division (IID)
COMM:  571-256-9334  DSN:  312

Company Grade Monitor (MAC 2331, 02XX/26XX, 44XX)
MMOA-1, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
COMM:  (703) 784-9277/76  DSN: 312



1.  Combatting Terrorism Technical Support Office
     --  Irregular Warfare Support Program
     --  Advance Analytic Capabilities

2.  Department of State
     --  Bureau of Intelligence and Research

3.  Department of Treasury
     --  Office of Intelligence Analysis

4.  Drug Enforcement Administration
     --  Office of National Security Intelligence

5.  Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity

6.  National Defense University

7.  Office of the Director of National Intelligence, National
     Intelligence Managers